2016. - Sickness,Waiting For The Turning Point,Dress Like A Target,The Destruction Of A Person,Personal Insult,Never Sit Or Stand Again,Death Threat,Permanently,Stealing A Page Or Two From Armed & Radical Pagan..
2016. - Oblivious Maximus,It Takes No Guts,Everyone Hates Everyone,The Introvert,The Alcoholik,Fuck Your Enemy,4 Songs,Messages,All Of Our Lives Will Get Tried,Antifaith,Ozena,Drug Your Love,Haunted Hated,Stupid, S..
2013. Philip h. Anselmo is a name that needs little introduction to heavy metal fans. ever industrious, the former pantera and superjoint ritual and current down vocalist has ..
2007. Pleasures Of Zer0 takes us to new sonic boundaries -- hurling Metal, Industrial and Electronic into the blast furnace and spitting out a new kind of Metallurgy dubbed 'Synthcore.' Since forming in 2002, this ..
2013. -pantera, down, and superjoint ritual have sold millions of records throughout the world -philip h. Anselmo has toured throughout the world with multiple acts as both a headliner and mai..