1983. Esoteric Antenna are pleased to announce the release of the new GREG LAKE album, "SONGS OF A LIFETIME". As a founder member of KING CRIMSON and EMERSON, LAKE & PALMER, Greg has been a major creat..
2018. - finne meg ein topp,kjaere regn,den heidenske,ordlaus ven,trappa,kanskje kjem det ein dag,hoyrer pa stilla,du er hausten,stundene,hysj!,vandraren,ikkje kom og sei,eg vil vere her
2018. - cancion contra la indecision,doubt thou the stars,wedding song from poniky,three shades of a house,elegie,cancion y danza vi,alice,oktoberhavet,kalimba impressions,stilla,hemingway intonations..
2021. Swedish all-female vocal folk quartet Kongero have been singing traditional Scandinavian songs in self-penned arrangements and the best a cappella tradition. 'Live In Longueuil' was recorded in 2019 at the Th&..
2002. Panna Maria obklopená čtyřmi mučednicemi – sv. Kateřinou, Dorotou, Barborou a Markétou; tohle ve středověku časté vyobrazení dokládá velikou úctu, která byla Panně Marii a jejím družkám věnována a která ..