2020. Skooshny are a band who've remained somewhat of a mystery throughout time, first coming to prominence in the late-'70s with their self released debut EP, they continued making fantastic music over the course o..
2013. Chicago, early 70s. Greg Herriges is obsessed with Lennon, 12-string guitars and far-out psychedelic sounds. Rick Vittenson is a Beach Boys-Hollies-Who fanatic who writes for Crawdaddy! magazine. Both had prev..
2011. New CC studioalbum after 5 years (CD To The Night Sky was released in 2006). This album covers (again) a wide variety of extreme music, from heavy Death Doom songs like "Ghost" and "Shine Unseen..
2013. Chicago, early 70s. Greg Herriges is obsessed with Lennon, 12-string guitars and far-out psychedelic sounds. Rick Vittenson is a Beach Boys-Hollies-Who fanatic who writes for Crawdaddy! magazine. Both had prev..