2014. 'Protein For Everyone' caustically details the nagging neuroses bubbling under the surface of everyday life and imagines a brave new world where you can sell parts of your anatomy to be processed into cheap ta..
2020. Cooking up a gumbo of heavy '70s, blues and psychedelic rock, RRRags impress with raw energy and heavy weight in their live delivery. Guitarist Ron Van Herpen (Astrosoniq, Molasses, TDB), bassist Rob Zim (The ..
2008. Testing Wall of China Love Letters No Flies Veal Fiddles and Eggs Controlled Bleeding Veal The Third One First Haircut Body Sink Mahon's Massapequa Penis Party Wall of China Fiddles & J..
2017. - a new world,altered beast i,alter me i,altered beast ii,alter me ii,altered beast iii,alter me iii,altered beast iv,life / death,some context,the reticent raconteur,the lord of lightning,the balro..
2018. Nap Eyes makes crooked, literate guitar pop refracted through the gray Nova Scotian rain. Their songs are equal parts shambling and sophisticated, with one eye on the dirt and one trained on the starry firmame..