2016. - titoli 1:52,due buffi cow-boys 2:41,prateria 1:27,avventure nel west 2:51,saloon 5:08,guai in vista 2:06,notturno 1:38,cavalcata 2:36,momento lirico 1:18,due buffi cow-boys 2 3:14,avventure nel we..
1991. - duo lirico - sei lieder per chitarra op. 89,nr. 1,sei lieder per chitarra op. 89,nr. 1 absch,duo lirico - sei lieder per chitarra op. 89, nr...
2013. Operatic baritone Gabriel Preisser has been described as having “a matinee idol’s charm and charisma.” He excels not only in the classical repertoire but is especially noted for his work in musical theatre, op..
2015. 'voyage through the deep '80s underground in italy'. - the 391 project was founded in 1983 by two troubled teenagers from the quiet provincial town ascoli piceno. The intenti..
2013. - Sonatina per corno e piano,Allegro moderato,Andante,Allegretto,Concertino pro lesní roh a klavír č F dur,Poco moderato elegiaco,Allegro giusto,Capricci per corno e pianoforte,Capriccio drammatico,Capriccio..