2016. Tak jsme se dočkali. Nadějní Briti, kteří prozatím do světa chrlili jen singly, EPčka a videoklipy, se konečně rozhoupali k velké desce. Albový debut je kombinací moderního přístupu a toho nejlepšího, co nabíz..
2015. "ANIMI" is the brand new and highly anticipated second album from symphonic tech metallers in Subversion. This second offering from the reinvented quintet proves that they are back with a vengeance and that th..
2016. - Our World,Jungle ? feat. Hacktivist,Run You,Anger ? feat. Kenta Koie of Crossfaith,New Design,No More,Push The Line ? feat. Charlie Rhymes,We Are The Problem,Let It Burn,Warrior Sound,No Respect ? feat. Ghe..
2017. What would have happened if LINKIN PARK would have continued with their nu metal of the 2000s by adding modern Djent sounds as well as a theme revolving around the video games culture, all sprinkled with cynic..