2019. Mythology for the posthuman age. From "The New Kind" to "Posthuman Wonderland", Simon Grab's album "Posthuman Species" is a sonic journey through an astonishing land of fragile fe..
2022. Simon Grab & Francesco Giudici's '(No) Surrender' is a strong and uncut manifest against social injustices, packed into screaming feedbacks and towering drones. Grab lures tender noises and pulsating frequ..
1973. - brother,steven smith,love, love, love,basement band song,sinking hearts,a sudden death,there is nothing i can do,i am not surprised,no one has ever looked so dead,memorize the city,instrumental..
2011. Back in print. 'Grab That Gun' is a 2004 album by The Organ. It was the only full-length release from the Canadian indie band before they broke up and today it's a minor classic.