2013. - in a frightened state of gnawed dismemberment,summoning the faithless,greed is your horse,descend into external,dreams of mercy,perverse osmosis,water under a burning bridge,what is not. &nbs..
2017. - deluminate,branches of yew,bound sphinx,the cosmic vein,digital prison,crawling back to god,fractured quartz,gnawed flesh,ashen mesh,trumpeting ecstasy,at the cauldron's bottom
2017. Oproti předchozímu materiálu se tu FULL OF HELL více přiklánějí ke klasickým grindovým postupům a méně experimentují, ale vůbec mi to nevadí. Stále je to mistrovsky ukovaný chaos, který má vysoké obrátky a int..
2017. With his dark ambient project Apo'cry'phos, Robert Kozletsky has shown a proven ability at creating multi-layered and highly detailed soundscapes. Working as a duo alongside Kyle Carney, he takes that skill an..
2022. Cannibale was forced to do nothing due to the pandemic lockdown. During that period, they've put together their third album, 'Life Is Dead'. The influence, sound and hallmark are clearly Cannibale's, once agai..
2022. Cannibale was forced to do nothing due to the pandemic lockdown. During that period, they've put together their third album, 'Life Is Dead'. The influence, sound and hallmark are clearly Cannibale's, once agai..