2015. Formed in 2013, Deprive is the brainchild of a hyperactive veteran of the Spanish scene that goes under the nickname of Erun Dagoth, current/past member of a large number of bands and projects such as Briargh,..
2016. One year after unleashing a promising debut full-length, Deprive is back with a sophomore album that strengthens all the attributes displayed on the critically acclaimed "Into Oblivion", only supplied with an ..
2013. Brilliant debut by a band that has already created a name for themselves by intensive touring and energetic live shows. Featuring Klas Holmgren of GIN LADY on guitars, these Umea based rockers deliver a highly..
1990. The story of Orchestra Ethiopia (1963-1975) is unusual and compelling in more ways than one. Just as modern music was reaching the peak of its excellence and popularity, at the very same moment, via Orchestra ..
2021. What does Ki mean in our daily lives? Joy, sorrow, vigor, courage, cowardice, etc. - these are terms used in our daily life. The Japanese see Ki as an integral part of all of these. To them, a human being is c..