1987. There was something strange and disturbing going on in Italy in the '70s. It was a tumultuous and visionary period of (post) psychedelic excess. One that was defined, on the one hand, by random acts of terrori..
2013. After 8 years since its publication record here again re-emergence on the music scene the legendary Alberto Radius. Alberto began his career in the late fifties, he moved to Milan and soon after with the group..
2001. - juan maglio - la sonambula,francisco canaro - bandoneon de mis amores,pedro laurenz - guardia vieja,francini pontier - a los amigos,trio ciriaco ortiz - mano a mano,osvaldo pugliese - boedo,osvald..
1987. There was something strange and disturbing going on in Italy in the '70s. It was a tumultuous and visionary period of (post) psychedelic excess. One that was defined, on the one hand, by random acts of terrori..