2017. The quartet Musicarius was founded in 2003 as a result of pursuits and passions of its members. The musicians are trying to create a new quality in a string quartet. Co-operation with actors, alternative music..
2013. What kind of musical chaos ensues when the rock n' roll torch of the 20th century is handed down to a new generation raised on such 1980s cultural staples as Nintendo, Back to the Future, and Tron? The answer..
2013. What kind of musical chaos ensues when the rock n' roll torch of the 20th century is handed down to a new generation raised on such 1980s cultural staples as Nintendo, Back to the Future, and Tron? The answer..
2014. A double-disc career overview from the highly regarded US tenor sax player. - A WEE BIT OF SWING TIMMIE ROSENKRANZ & THE BARRELHOUSE BARON,WHAM RE BOP BOOM BAM ANDY KIRK AND HIS TWELVE CLOUDS OF JOY,PRACTICE ..
2017. Kelly Hall-Tompkins Violin Kelly Hall-Tompkins is one of New York City’s most in-demand violinists, whose dynamic career spans solo, chamber, and orchestral performance. Ms. Hall-Tompkins was winner of a ..