2023. Vo svojej dobe málo známy ale v posledných desaťročiach vzrástlo uznanie pre jedinečný štýl klaviristu Herbieho Nicholsa, ktorý bol predstavený v ..
2021. Hlavným hrdinom LP je Herbie Nichols, veľmi originálny v prístupe ku klavíru a zároveň brilantný ako skladateľ. Pre tieto vlastnosti ho často prirovnávali k The..
2012. Recorded on 2-3 July 1984 at the Barigozzi Studio in Milan, this album represents one of the most important tributes ever made to the music of Herbie Nichols. The eccentric and visionary bop of this great pian..
1991. - nature calls,horatio (one for herbie nichols),invisible,fast response,i forgot to remember,no time toulouse,what a difference a day made,lace,chianti blues,nature calls part 2
2016. The famous 1956 album by 'The Lady In Satin', reissued on 180-gram vinyl, packaged in a gatefold sleeve. This title is part of the 'Jean-Pierre Leloir Collection'. Leloir was the most important photographer to..