2015. Solution .45 formed in late 2007 as a conceptual entity, but never blossomed into fruition until fall 2008, when Christian Alvestam (Unmoored, Miseration, Torchbearer, ex- Scar Symmetry), Jani Stefanovic (Mise..
2013. Repress. Melbourne's scratchy pop foursome the stevens formed in 2011around guitarist (and now twerps-drummer) alex macfarlane and nz-born axe-slinger travis macdonald. The ban..
2013. Melbourne's scratchy pop foursome The Stevens formed in 2011 around guitarist (and now Twerps-drummer) Alex Macfarlane and NZ-born axe-slinger Travis MacDonald. The band now also includes bassist Gus Lord (Boo..
2018. The current sensations of Britain's stoner/doom/psych scene deliver their 2018 full-length 'Come & Chutney', including guest appearances by Chantal Brown (Vodun), Thom Carter (Riddles) and Gary Harkin (Ten..
2017. "A je to. Poslední tři roky našich životů vyextrahované do hodinového zvuku. Centrum našeho kolektivního snažení a naše oběť vám, našim fanouškům..." Přesně takhle uvádí své nové album "Great Distraction" form..