2018. The music of Snowbeasts straddles two worlds. There's the earthy, ethereal vocals of Elizabeth Virosa, looped and processed by her array of pedals and synths. And there's the harsh electronics wielded by Rober..
2012. Santa Sangre is a temple torn down by bulldozers over the protestations of its leader Concha (Bianca Guerra); the wife of an unfaithful circus performer (Guy Stockwell) and the mother of Fenix (Axel Jodorow..
2014. Německý producent Zedd v loňském roce zabodoval hned s několika singly. Prodeje skladby “Clarity“, na které mu vypomohla zpěvačka Foxes, se v Americe přehoupl přes hranici miliónu, což automaticky znamená plat..