2013. Dream Street performs romantic and eclectic acoustic chamber jazz with great vocals, unique instrumentation and original material. Led by guitarist, songwriter and arranger Stan Ayeroff (Roger Daltrey, Heart, ..
2015. "Firstly, the punishment is meted out day and night, kalpa after kalpa, without a moment's interruption or relief. Thus Avici". 'Thus Avici' is the second album from Tunnels Of Ah (Stephen Ah Burroug..
1979. Music by mike leander soundtrack to a film starring former manfred mann frontman paul jones - privilege,stephen,vanessa,free me,it's overotherness time,free me (reprise),i've been a bad, bad boy,o..
2019. It's the people involved in 'Afternoon Tea' - originally released in 2000 on German label Ritornell and now reissued on Black Truffle with a new master, bonus tracks and newly discovered live recordings after ..
2012. The second album by Sacri Cuori is entitled 'Rosario'. Sacri Cuori, Fellini's bastard children, hail from Romagna, Italy and feature the many talents of Antonio Gramentieri, Diego Sapignoli, Christian Ravaglio..