2014. Who are the Praise Pardners? The Praise Pardners provides music and song for the worship time at the “Worship Up, saddle up” cowboy ministry of Troy (MO) First Baptist Church. Their style/sound is hard to clas..
2023. 'Nell'Anno Del Signore' is a 1969 film directed by Luigi Magni; set in Rome in 1825, it is based on a real event, the execution of two individuals belonging to the Carbonari revolutionary secret society; the m..
2010. Voříšek – Missa solemnis, Tomášek – Messa con Graduale et Offertorio* / Musica FloreaJ. V. H. Voříšek – Missa Solemnis in B, op. 24 (1825), Offertoria* (Mentis oppressae, Quoniam Iniquitatem)..