2023. V roku 2005 písal denník SME o albume skupiny AMO : „Bratislavskej skupine AMO, ktorá patrí medzi špičku slovenskej hiphopovej hudby, vychádza debutový al..
2023. The band Amon Düül formed in 1967, with music being only one part of their artistic work. In 1969, the albums 'Paradieswärts Düül' and 'Psychedelic Underground' were produced. Reviewer..
2023. Amorphis jsou progresivní metalová kapela z finského hlavního města založená v roce 1990. Začínali v undergroundu jako čistě death-metalová kapela, ale postupem..
2023. Amorphis jsou progresivní metalová kapela z finského hlavního města založená v roce 1990. Začínali v undergroundu jako čistě death-metalová kapela, ale postupem..
2023. The band Amon Düül formed in 1967, with music being only one part of their artistic work. In 1969, the albums 'Paradieswärts Düül' and 'Psychedelic Underground' were produced. Reviewer..
2023. Swedish band, influenced by RAM and Screamer and Enforcer. Their third album 'Infidel' comes on orange and white splatter vinyl, limited to 250 copies.
2023. Old school heavy metal from Sweden. Their 2014 debut album has been reissued and comes on white, yellow and red splatter vinyl, limited to 250 copies.
2022. 'Rectifier' is the 2022 full-length by the garage rock band from Boston. 'Rectifier' is full of distortion, feedback, groovy swinging beats and pure pop melodies. The indie smash hit single 'Space Cadette' is ..