2020. The 1989 mini-album by the black metal outfit from Texas gets reissued on CD, extended with the tracks 'The Gold Torques Of Ulaid' and four live recordings from 1997.
2022. Bratislavský skladateľ a producent Adam Mészáros alias Absorver, prichádza po niečo viac než roku s novým EP "Unsaid Ideas". Šesťtrackový projekt vyšiel ..
2021. 'Lost/Found' is the definitive collection of this minimal-synth-wave act and is now available for the first time on vinyl record with a total of 52 songs including eight previously unreleased. Limited edition!..
2021. „Boli to roky experimentovania a zoznamovania sa s rôznymi prístupmi k tvorbe hudby počas ktorých som si vytvoril silnú vášeň pre zvukovú syntézu a ..
2019. A brilliant blend of crushing doom, cosmic psychedelia, and ritual despair. Forty minutes of ball-crushingly heavy, psychedelia-tinged doom metal from Brazil. Well worth your time, particularly if you dig band..
2018. - A Gift For The Obsessed,Misery Trophies,The Forging,Thought & Memory,Celestial Hysteria,Septic Testament,The Alpha Illusion,Fear of Existence,You Can't Bring Me Down,Idle Thrones
2018. - The Forging,Thought & Memory,A Gift For The Obsessed,Fear of Existence,Celestial Hysteria,Septic Testament,The Alpha Illusion,Misery Trophies,You Can't Bring Me Down,Idle Thrones
2008. Kevin Costner vystupuje v roli nejslavnějšího muže zákona, co kdy kráčel po Divokém Západě a stal se legendou. Gene Hackman v roli Wyattova otce a Dennis Quaid coby Earpův nejlepší kamarád navíc dodávají šťávu..